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Guidance/ Counseling

Kelly Larkins   Guidance Secretary/Registrar
The Guidance Secretary/Registrar is the first point of contact for parents and students enrolling at Ladera Ranch Middle School.  Should you have any questions regarding enrollment, transferring to another school, or transcript requests, please contact Kelly Larkins at (949) 234-5922 during office hours.
Kathy Herritt   Guidance Technician
Sandra Seyedjafari   Guidance Technician
The Ladera Ranch Middle School Guidance Technicians are Sandra Seyedjafari and Kathy Herritt.  Our Guidance Technicians assist our School Counselors with academic, personal, and social support. 
You may contact our Guidance Technicians through email - Ms. Seyedjafari at or Mrs. Herritt at or contact the school at (949) 234-5922.
Tom Bogiatzis   Counselor
Susan Burke   Counselor
Teri Morgan   Counselor
Our school Counselors are available at Ladera Ranch for social/emotional and academic counseling.
Mr. Bogiatzis (Last Names A - Ga)
Mrs. Burke (Last Names Ge-N)
Mrs. Morgan (Last Names O-Z)
Discussions with the counselor and student are confidential. Please feel free to contact our Counselors if you think your son/daughter may benefit from counseling. Students may also request to be seen on their own by filling out a Counselor Request form.


6th Grade Exploratory Wheel Classes Periods 3 and 5 (Quarterly)
Classes will show on student's schedule as Exploratory Wheel.  The classes will rotate alphabetically by teacher as shown below. 
Intro to Drama with Mrs. Botelho
Intro to Spanish with Mrs. Garcia
Intro to Art with Sra. Ray
Intro to Technology with Mrs. Shay
Intro to Drama with Mrs. Botelho
Intro to Music with Mrs. Enriquez
Intro to Art with Sra. Ray
Intro to Technology with Mrs. Shay
7th and 8th Grade Paired Elective Classes (Semester)
1st Period: 
Art/Sra Ray paired with CDE Careers/Ms. Gray
2nd Period: 
Art/Sra Ray paired with CDE Careers/Ms. Gray
3rd Period:
Tech Processes/Mrs. Shay paired with CDE Careers/Ms. Gray
5th Period:
Spanish Intro/Mrs. Garcia paired with CDE Careers/Ms. Gray
6th Period:
Tech Processes/Mrs. Shay paired with CDE Careers/Ms. Gray


1st Quarter
9/20/2024      End of Progress Report Period
10/18/2024    End of 1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
11/15/2024    End of Progress Report Period
12/19/2024    End of 2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
2/7/2025        End of Progress Report Period
3/14/2025      End of 3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
4/25/2025      End of Progress Report Period
6/5/2025        End of 4th Quarter
*Grades will be posted to Parent Portal about a week after the end of the reporting period.  If you need assistance accessing the Portal, please see the instructions located in Quick Links  (located on the left).


Q - What is Parent Portal?
- The Parent Portal should be used for the following:
  • Annual online summer re-registration is available via the portal, saving time and eliminating the need to complete the large traditional paper packet.
  • Emergency contact information can be updated at any time
  • Real-time period-by-period attendance data
  • Medical information can be viewed and updated
  • The following can be viewed and printed at any time:
    • Report cards and unofficial transcripts
    • Test scores, including college test scores
    • Class schedules
    • Graduation status reports
Q - What is a progress report?
- The purpose of a progress report is for teachers to be able to communicate with parents when a student may be struggling in class whether it is a lower than average grade or below satisfactory work habits or citizenship.  The purpose of this reporting is to describe students’ progress in meeting the district’s learning and behavioural expectations for each marking period.  The progress report is intended to inform parents about their child’s learning successes and to give guidance for improvement efforts when needed.Progress reports are sent at the midpoint of each quarter and  do not go on the student's permanent record (transcript).